Wellness of Workers Program

The Wellness of Workers (WoW) program was designed to protect, prevent and provide treatment to individuals working in harmful working environments.

WoW helps to identify those at risk of heart and lung disease, as well as other chronic illnesses, caused by exposure to toxins in their workplace.

WoW is a health and wellness program designed to identify individuals at risk of heart and lung disease and other chronic diseases, like diabetes and cancer. The earlier an issue is identified, the earlier treatment can be given and often prevented or delayed, which could lead to a better quality of life overall.

Targeted at workers exposed to harmful toxins, the program begins with an interview by a Registered Nurse (RN) using a compilation of validated surveys and questionnaires known as a Health Risk Assessment (HRA). Results are reviewed by a Physician and recommendations are made for follow up treatment/management or further investigation.

The RN navigates the worker through the health care system, by assisting with appointments and diagnostic tests. The costs associated with attending the WoW Centre are covered through a worker’s company or union agreement.

If you’re wondering if this program is right for you, ask yourself: would you make lifestyle changes now if you knew you could avoid developing a preventable disease?